How God saved me from a never-ending cycle of drug addiction and relapse
— Part 2 —
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rescue plan

How God saved me from a never-ending cycle of drug addiction and relapse

A Lifeline

For a season, nothing much changed. I just kept at my addiction and found myself in and out of prison.

I was having trouble sleeping so when I realized that my cellmate had access to a television, I borrowed it just to bide the long nights.

Little did I know, the Lord had plans to meet me that very night.

Flipping through the channels, I landed on a familiar voice I had heard some many nights before...

Hearing about salvation and God’s grace brought so much hope into my heart...

Even though I was filled with guilt, shame, and so much condemnation... As I listened to Pastor Prince preach, I began to see a loving Savior who was willing to embrace me. To save me out of this mess I was in...

I felt light seeping into my soul, a warmth I had never known before.

Never in my life had I heard about God the way Pastor Prince was preaching. How could God love and accept someone like me?

Yet, there in that cold prison cell at 4am in the morning, I experienced the sweet, sweet embrace of the unconditional love of Jesus...


A New Beginning

After my encounter with the Lord in prison, I began to have a desire to know more about Jesus...
So I continued listening and devouring more and more of Pastor Prince's sermons.

The more I heard about Jesus, the more the chains of bondage began falling off one by one.

A number of sermons later, I received Jesus into my heart. And that’s really when my life began to radically be transformed.

My desire for drugs fell away... I got healthy.

My heart and mind were filled with light and with joy.

I met an amazing man who was deeply rooted in Jesus... who today I am blessed to call my husband.

For the first time in my life, I experienced what a truly loving and healthy relationship was like.

God had restored me more than I could hope for! In this environment of love, I was able to heal and unlearn all the wrong beliefs I had about myself.


Impossibly good

I was free from drugs. I had met a godly man who loved me. I was happy.

But God’s restoration didn’t stop there.

When doctors told us I had cervical cancer because of the lifestyle I had, and that I wouldn’t be able to bear children, the Lord still came through for me.

He healed me.
And gave us a baby boy...

And again, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer some years later, the Lord came through for me and healed me!

Even though these seasons were tough, I kept holding on to God’s Word and believing that my Jesus would never let me down.

He didn’t, and He still hasn’t. I know He never will!

But you are a chosen people,
a royal priesthood,
a holy nation,
God’s special possession,
that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness
into his wonderful light.
—1 Peter 2:9 NIV

Now today, I help out in an organization that serves the special needs community, and this is what I tell them whenever I get to minister and serve them. It's all about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... And I pray that you, the one reading this, will also believe this:

It doesn’t matter what situation or mess you’re caught in… Jesus, your Savior will rescue you.

If He could do it for me, He will surely do it for you!

Why the gospel = good news?

“Is there really a God out there? Who is He?” 

“If God were to look down at my life, what would He think?”

“What is so good about the gospel anyway?

Want to receive Jesus?

It’s easy. Just believe and say this short prayer out to the Lord:
“ Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and dying for me on the cross. Your precious blood washes me from every sin. You are my Lord and Savior, now and forever. I believe You rose from the dead and that You are alive today! Because of Your finished work, I am now a beloved child of God and heaven is my home. Thank you for giving me eternal life and filing my heart with Your peace and joy. Amen!”
If you have prayed this prayer, we'd love to get in touch with you.
Drop us a line here



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