one story told in many voices.

second chance

hope renewed



The Gospel is a Second Chance / Freedom

Abuse. Addiction. Loss. One woman’s story of being trapped in a cycle of despair, drugs, and destruction, and how the gospel reached her in her darkest hour.

The Gospel of grace has reached all around the world and has sparked The gospel makes all the difference. If there is one answer to pain, poverty, sickness, depression, or broken hearts…
it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The moment it touches your life, it brings healing, hope, and restoration. It brings about lasting life-transformation.many stories, what is your story? Here is a collection of stories about lives transformed by the gospel. Find hope for your story in someone else’s.

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The Gospel Is Being Pain-Free

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mattis, quam at varius ultricies, arcu ipsum fermentum augue, sed semper massa odio id ex.
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The gospel is hope renewed.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mattis, quam at varius ultricies, arcu ipsum fermentum augue, sed semper massa odio id ex.
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The gospel is a second chance.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mattis, quam at varius ultricies, arcu ipsum fermentum augue, sed semper massa odio id ex.
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/About us

Experience the gospel for yourself

The gospel has sparked many stories…but they all started with one story. The story of a God who comes to us right where we are. In our messes. In our mistakes. In our shame. In our pain. In our hopelessness. In our deep need for life to change. 

He comes not to judge, but to save. To heal. To restore. To set free.

Want to hear more? Watch this short video to experience the gospel story for yourself—the good news of a good God compelled by love and the lengths He would go to reach you.
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If your life has been changed or impacted by the gospel, share it with others

Who we are
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About The Initiative
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